By Julio Guity-Guevara, LL.M.
H.E. Vice President of Costa Rica Epsy Campbell Barr has been elected to represent the region in the Permanent Forum for People of African Descent. As an Independent Experts elected by the General Assembly of the United Nations, she will be responsible for helping operationalize the Forum as a platform for improving the safety, quality of life and livelihoods of people of African descent. The Forum has been strongly supported by the governments of Costa Rica and the United States where the Biden-Harris Administration is delivering on the President’s vision for Racial Justice in the Americas.
Recently, Vice President Campbell led a High-Level International Forum to commemorate the 1st UN International Day of People of African Descent. This event was held in the cities of San José and Cahuita, Costa Rica.
She has devoted her life to advocate for the elimination of racial and ethnic discrimination, inequality and violence. Now, with the challenges of COVID-19, climate change and the frequent natural disasters, the digital gap and income inequalities that we face in the region, Vice President Campbell will join a platform that will enable her to help implement (i) actionable recommendations at the highest level to increase economic opportunities for the over 200 million people of African Descent in the region; (ii) activities to increase collaboration among underrepresented and underserved racial and ethnic communities; and (iii) regional and international projects and programs for low income communities. I can’t imagine a person better qualified to tackle these immense challenges.